Happy Women's History Month!

business women Mar 01, 2024

Happy Women's History Month to you and all of the women in your life. I often think about the women who have influenced me. It starts with the women in my family, the women in my church growing up, the women in my community, and of course Oprah! For so long I studied Oprah and her road to success. Because of Oprah I grew up knowing that becoming a black female entrepreneur and multi-millionaire was possible! In recent years I've continued to learn from so many powerful, influential, dope women who have emerged (too many to name). You too are one of these women.

You have a gift that only you can deliver to this world. Someone admires you and wonders how you do what you do. They aspire to be like you. They see something special in you and it gives them hope.

Take a moment this month to uplift the women around you. Tell them how they've inspired you, influenced you, gave you hope, etc..


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